News and tips from us to you

The landscape of data technology changes quickly, our blog is where we will continue to share interesting tidbits from our work. You can read below or subscribe via RSS.

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Join us for two talks at Data and AI Summit 2024

Buoyant Data will be in San Francisco for Data and AI Summit this year for a number of sessions including a obok signing, an open source summit, an AMA, and two conference track sessions! Come chat with us!

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Scaling S3 Event Notifications for Delta Lake

S3 Event Notifications are a highly useful way of orchestrating workflows around AWS S3-based Delta tables. This post details a pattern for ensuring highly concurrent Lambda execution with S3 Event Notifications

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Concurrency limitations for Delta Lake on AWS

At a protocol level Delta Lake can scale to an infinite number of concurrent readers and writers, in theory, so long as the underlying storage provider supports strong atomicity. On AWS the Simple Storage Service lacks a necessary "put if absent" operation which requires Delta writers coordinate to ensure consistent writes to any given table.

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Automating credentials for Delta Lake on AWS

Remove those pesky hard-coded secret keys from your data applications and learn how to assume roles using built-in credential providers in AWS. This post includes examples that can be copied for both Rust and Python applications which need to access Delta tables.

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5 tips for cheaper Databricks workloads

Optimizing cost of workloads running on Databricks can be daunting at first, but there are plenty of low hanging fruit! These tips will help you save thousands of dollars annually on your big data's big bills!

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Join us at Data and AI Summit 2023

Buoyant Data will be in San Francisco for Data and AI Summit from June 26th to June 29th. We'll be talking about alternative data pipelines using Rust and Python, and cost optimization in AWS. Come find us!

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Writing RecordBatches to Delta in Rust

A developer focused post explaining how to write to a Delta table in Rust using the Apache Arrow RecordBatch data structure.

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The cheapest Databricks deployment is $33/month

Discussing whether it is possible to have a Databricks deployment with a $0 idle cost in AWS. It is a nice idea, but not entirely possible in practice. This post discusses the minimum footprint possible with Databricks.

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Initial commit

An introductory post outlining what Buoyant Data can do to help save on their Databricks and AWS costs, along with our preferences for the most cost effective data platform architecture.

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